Hi there, we are Caryn & Antoine.


We have 20+ years of experience from working in financial institutions that raise, trade and invest serious sums of money. 

In our search for hands-off property investments, we noticed a common issue. Most property investors & developers do not know what investors want or struggle to communicate well. Which leads to difficulties in securing investor finance. That’s where we come in!

Our focus is on guiding and supporting property investors & developers - just like you - to raise all the money they need for all their property deals!

Hi, I'm Caryn Yuen

As a former barrister, solicitor and FCA compliance specialist, I have over a decade of experience working with various financial firms, including a private equity firm, a global asset manager, and a fund of funds.

In 2014, a Facebook ad introduced me to property training. I did the training and successfully completed my first property project. Even though I loved property, being hands-on wasn't for me so I shifted to being a hands-off investor.

In 2017, I left the corporate world to work with a developer, a property investment fund and a crowdfunding platform. Some of my work involved reviewing investor packs, communicating with investors and ensuring the effective delivery of development projects.

Having experienced property as an investor, developer and crowdfunding platform consultant, I bring a unique perspective. My goal is to share this knowledge and empower you to successfully raise investor finance through our membership community – The Investables™.

Hi, I'm Antoine Dufresne

With a masters in business focusing on finance, I jumped straight into the fast-paced world of investment banking. For over 11 years, I worked in sales in Paris, New York and London, dealing with a variety of clients including the Bank of England.

In 2019, attracted by the potential rewards of investing in property, I decided to leave banking. I made the switch to focus on full-time, hands-off property investing alongside Caryn. Whilst searching for investment opportunities, I realised there was a big gap between what investors wanted and what they were being offered.

My time in banking has provided me with a solid understanding of the finance and investment world. I know what investors need to see and hear to be interested in investing in your project. And I'm happy to tell you!

My days are now filled with guiding property investors & developers to get 6-figure investors for their property deals through our membership community - The Investables™ - and I love it!

Sunny Ahonsi

Property Developer

"The course & community are full of content to help property investors and developers raise money compliantly. We learned how to structure investment offerings and understand the type of investors we can work with and the right way to onboard them. We’ve built up a good pipeline of interested investors and have successfully raised £215,000 worth of investment in a compliant manner since joining."

Louise Tomlinson

Property Investor

"Thanks to The Investables, I successfully raised over ÂŁ300k in private finance, covering the entirety of my next project's purchase price. Moreover, their guidance ensured that the process adhered to all legal and compliance standards, giving me peace of mind."

Andrew Batt

Property Investor

"Because of The Investables, I was able to raise investment funds ethically whilst staying on the right side of compliance. Caryn & Antoine are extremely approachable, knowledgable and have created a fantastic space to learn how to manage your own expectations as well as those of potential investors that you will be connecting with."




Can I hire you both to create my investor pack?

Sorry, as much as we would love to help you, we do not offer a "done for you" service. The best place to get our guidance and support is inside our membership community, The Investables™, where our course Investor Packs Made Easy along with our Canva fillable templates will help you create an investor pack that gets you all the money you need.

Can you be a consultant or non-executive director for my company?

We have some capacity to provide ongoing support to property businesses. Please reach out to us via our contact page with some info about what you have in mind and we will get back to you.

Can I interview you for my podcast?

We are always open to invitations to talk about all things fundraising, and will happily consider any interview requests. Simply send us a message via our contact page with some info about your podcast/blog/magazine etc, and we will get back to you.

Will you speak at my event or summit?

We would be happy to discuss the opportunity to be involved in your event or summit. Please reach out to us via our contact page with info about your event/summit and we will get back to you.

Photos of us at various property events


How to create an investor pack that will get investors to say yes


This template will give you the step-by-step process to create your investor pack, without the overwhelm or that 'what to write paralysis'!

Are you ready to check it out?


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In-depth courses & training

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Interactive Q&A sessions with us for when you need advice tailored to your specific situation, as well as getting our input on your questions inside the community

Friendly, supportive community

Where you can network with other property investors & developers, ask questions, look for answers, and get closer to achieving your goals